Friday, July 9, 2010

Much-Awaited Caramel Chipotle Popcorn Recipe

This is a super easy, super yummy, super caramelly-delicious snack. I trialed a few new recipes the other day after I got a mean craving for gourmet popcorn.  Some came up great, some not so great (in fact Chocolate Adobo Chili got tossed into special file 7-- the 'or we could just order pizza' file.)  In any case, Caramel Chipotle was the best trial by far.  For your snacking pleasure:

NOTES:  I doubled this recipe and it works fine.  Also, make sure and buy good quality CHIPOTLE chili powder, not just any chili powder.  I tried Adobo and it doesn't work as well.

6 cups of air popped popcorn (air popped really is best here, I've tried it with microwave, it doesn't work as well)
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup butter
1/4 corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp (and to taste) of Chipotle Chili powder

Pop popcorn and set aside in a 300 degree oven to keep warm while you cook the caramel. Bring the brown sugar, butter and corn syrup to a boil over medium high heat and boil for about 5 minutes.  Remove from heat and add the salt, baking soda and chili powder.  Toss in the pan with the popcorn.  Spoons work okay, but I really find that your hands work much better, and wont crush the popcorn.  BE CAREFUL! I have no nerves left in my fingertips from working in coffee for so long, but this is hot sugar and WILL BURN! I recommend that you wear plastic gloves!!  Bake in a 300 degree oven for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Remove from the oven, break into pieces and let cook on buttered tin foil or wax paper.  ENJOY!